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My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3.5 Stars
Cocoon Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: With Jessica
Rating: PG-13 Year: 1986 Category: Comedy Sci-Fi
Director: Ron Howard Time: 117 min. Writer: Tom Benedek

Mine: Wonderful, uplifting, funny. The older cast is terrific. Steve Gutenberg is even good. Who knew that Ron Howard would be such a good director.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Florida senior citizens discover an actual fountain of youth in this warm, humanistic fantasy-drama, marred only by derivative and too literal science-fiction finale. What a pleasure to watch this cast at work! (Ameche won Best Supporting Actor Oscar. ) Screenplay by Tom Benedek, from David Saperstein's novel; another impressive directing job by Howard. Followed by a sequel.
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Don Ameche Don Ameche as:
Art Selwyn
Wilford Brimley as:
Ben Luckett
Hume Cronyn as:
Joe Finley
Brian Dennehy Brian Dennehy as:
Jack Gilford as:
Bernie Lefkowitz
Steve Guttenberg Steve Guttenberg as:
Jack Bonner
Maureen Stapleton Maureen Stapleton as:
Mary Luckett
Jessica Tandy Jessica Tandy as:
Alam Finley
Gwen Verdon as:
Bess McCarthy
Tahnee Welch as:
Clint Howard Clint Howard as:
John Dexter