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The China Syndrome
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3.5 Stars
The China Syndrome Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: Cine 1-4
Rating: PG Year: 1979 Category: Drama Thriller
Director: James Bridges Time: 122 min. Writer: Mike Gray & T.S. Cook

Mine: A first rate political thriller. The three leads do a really good job. Really shows us why, given the trustworthiness and greed of corporations, why nuclear power is a bad idea.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Heart pounding drama about attempted cover-up of accident at California nuclear plant is as much a probe of television news as it is a story of nuclear power--and it scores bulls eye on both fronts. There is no music score; story tension propels film by itself, along with solid performances by Fonda as TV reporter, Douglas (who also produced film) as radical cameraman, and especially Lemmon as dedicated plant exec. Screenplay by Mike Gray, T. S. Cook, and Bridges.
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Jane Fonda Jane Fonda as:
Kimberly Wells
Jack Lemmon Jack Lemmon as:
Jack Godell
Michael Douglas Michael Douglas as:
Richard Adams
Scott Brady as:
Herman DeYoung
James Hampton as:
Bill Gibson
Peter Donat as:
Don Jacovich
Wilford Brimley as:
Ted Spindler
James Karen as:
Mac Churchill