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My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2.5 Stars
Carrie Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On TV Saw at/with:
Rating: R Year: 1976 Category: Thriller
Director: Brian De Palma Time: 98 min. Writer: Lawrence D. Cohen

Mine: Really good horror movie, if you like that kind of thing. A well done drama that just builds to the climax.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Evocative story of high school misfit degenerates into cheap, gory melodrama when Spacek unleashes telekinetic powers in revenge against those who have mocked her. De Palma borrows much from Hitchcock, but has little of The Master's wit or subtlety. Screenplay by Lawrence D. Cohen, from Stephen King's novel. Debut film for Irving, Buckley and Soles. Later a stage musical.
User Reviews:
Kimmie's rating:
5 Stars
(out of 5 stars)
This movie is the consummate horror film, wonderfully directed by Brian DePalma, with a timeless story, actors and flow. How anyone can rate this lower than 9 is beyond me! I don't like horror, but Carrie is in a class all by itself, not to mention the great story idea by Stephen King, Spacek is stellar, so is everyone else. I adore this movie, it's 70s but not enough to ruin it for future viewers!
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Sissy Spacek Sissy Spacek as:
Carrie White
Piper Laurie Piper Laurie as:
Margaret White
Amy Irving Amy Irving as:
Sue Snell
William katt as:
Tommy Toss
John Travolta John Travolta as:
Billy Nolan
Nancy Allen as:
Chris Hargenson
Betty Buckley as:
Miss Collins
P. J. Soles as: