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My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
Breathless Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: With Peter L.
Rating: R Year: 1983 Category:
Director: Jim McBride Time: 96 min. Writer: Jime McBride & L.M. Carson

Mine: Quite possibly one of the worst films ever made. Why you would re-make Breathless is beyond me. All the strange Silver Surfer referances are way out of place. Gere proves once again that he is the worst actor of this and maybe any generation. I don't know why I keep going to see movie that he is in, they ALL suck!
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Remake of landmark 1959 Godard film follows basic outline of the original--an amoral punk on the lam from police--but lacks its sociological potency. Gere's kinetic performance is something to see, but his character, hooked on Jerry Lee Lewis music and ``Silver Surfer'' comics, soon grows tiresome.
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Richard Gere Richard Gere as:
Jesse Lujack
Valerie Kaprisky as:
Monica Poiccard
Art Metano as:
William Tepper as:
Prof. Paul Siverstien
John P. Ryan as:
Lt. Parmental
Lisa Jane Persky as:
Garry Goodrow as:
Robert Dunn as:
Sig Enright