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Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3 Stars
Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: With the Brusics in Minniapolis
Rating: PG Year: 1991 Category: Comedy Fantasy
Director: Peter Hewitt Time: 98 min. Writer: Chris Matheson & Ed Solomon

Mine: One of the few instances where the sequal was better than the original. Death steals the show. The sceen where Bill and Ted play a game of Twister with Death is a scream! This was quite funny.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: In this sequel, the dimwitted duo travel to Heaven, Hell, and points in between as they duel with an evil pair of robots who are posing as Bill and Ted. Along the way they meet (among others) Albert Einstein, the Easter Bunny, and the Grim Reaper! Special effects almost take over in this outing, but B&T are even dumber here than in the original film. One more sequel and they qualify as the Hope and Crosby of the '90s, dudes!
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Keanu Reeves Keanu Reeves as:
Ted Logan
Alex Winter as:
Bill Preston
William Sadler as:
Grim Reaper
Joss Ackland as:
De Nomolos
Pam Grier Pam Grier as:
Ms. Wardroe
George Carlin George Carlin as:
Amy Stock-Poynton as:
Jim Martin as:
Sir James Martin