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Jesus Henry Christ
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2 Stars
Jesus Henry Christ Poster
Primary Location: First Saw: Saw at/with: Suzy
Rating: PG-13 Year: 2011 Category: Comedy
Director: Dennis Lee Time: 92 min. Writer: Dennis Lee

Mine: A curious sense of humor and first rate performances. Not your normal predictable story.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: At the age of ten, Henry James Herman, a boy who was conceived in a petri-dish and raised by his feminist mother, follows a string of Post-It notes in hopes of finding his biological father.
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Toni Collette Toni Collette as:
Patricia Herman
Michael Sheen Michael Sheen as:
Dr. Slavkin O’Hara
Jason Spevack as:
Henry Herman
Frank Moore as:
Stan Herman
Sarah Orenstein as:
Mother Herman
Mark MacDonald as:
Tim Herman
Cameron Kennedy as:
Jimmy Herman
Kevin Hare as:
Sam Moses stans Cohort as: