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Big Business
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2.5 Stars
Big Business Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: With Jessica
Rating: Year: 1988 Category: Comedy
Director: Jim Abrahams Time: min. Writer: Dari Pierson & Marc Reid Rubel

Mine: Watchable for the leads who are good, but the story is lame. Fred Ward provides a spark in his scenes.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Two sets of twins are mismatched and separated at birth; years later the girls who've grown up in the boonies come to N. Y. C. for a showdown with the conglomerate that's going to wipe out their little town, hardly dreaming that the corporation is run by their identical twins! Agreeable farce never really catches fire, though Bette is terrific and the effects are remarkable.
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Bette Midler Bette Midler as:
Sadie Ratliff/Shelton
Lily Tomlin Lily Tomlin as:
Rose Ratliff/Shelton
Fred Ward Fred Ward as:
Roone Dimmick
Edward Herrmann Edward Herrmann as:
Graham Sherbourne
Michele Placido as:
Fabio Alberici
Daniel Gerroll as:
Barry Primus as:
Michael Gross as:
Dr. Jay Marshall