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Beverly Hills Cop III
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2.5 Stars
Beverly Hills Cop III Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: With Adam at Showcase North Haven
Rating: R Year: 1994 Category: Comedy Action
Director: John Landis Time: 104 min. Writer: Steven D. De Souza

Mine: Kind of fun, but really stupid. Murphy is good, but the writing is so bad. Glad they stopped with this one.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Detroiter Murphy goes back to L. A. , site of a theme park whose in-house security cops have hatched a counterfeiting ring--right under the nose of the sweet old gramps figure (Young) who's nominally in charge. Fast pace and inspired setting can't camouflage the bankruptcy of the concept. Gags are subordinate to action here--which, given the gags, may not have been such a bad idea. As usual, Landis features a number of prominent directors (including George Lucas, Joe Dante, Martha Coolidge, Arthur Hiller, Ray Harryhausen, Peter Medak, George Schaefer, Barbet Schroeder, and John Singleton) in cameo roles. Pinchot makes a welcome return from the original COP movie as Serge.
User Reviews:
Axel's rating:
1 star
(out of 5 stars)
Ugh! John Landis is the ideal director, but the script is just horrid; pretty bad considering it's the same writer of Die Hard! Murphy and Reinhold are fun as always, but they've truly been cheated of a good script. Bronson Pinchot returns in two funny scenes, but those are practically the funniest within the entire film. The score is not good, either. Just doesn't feel like Beverly Hills Cop anymore. Worst in series.
Simon Persica's rating:
4 Stars
(out of 5 stars)
Okay. Good movie but I hated the scene where Todd was shot dead and the scene where Dave Thornton was shot and wounded. Also why wasn't Bogomil in this one? I really want to know.
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Eddie Murphy Eddie Murphy as:
Axel Foley
Jon Tenney as:
Joey Travolta as:
Judge Reinhold Judge Reinhold as:
Billy Rosewood
Hector Elizondo Hector Elizondo as:
Jon Flint
George Lucas as:
Disapointed Man
Bronson Pinchot Bronson Pinchot as:
Martha Coolidge as:
Security Woman