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The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
4 Stars
The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: Dont Remeber
Rating: R Year: 1982 Category: Romance Comedy Musical
Director: Colin Higgins Time: 114 min. Writer: Larry L. King

Mine: OK, so sue me, I love this movie. Burt at his good-ol-boy-with-a-heart-of-gold best. Great music. Charles Durnning steals the show with his number. Dolly is wonderful. Some really Memorable lines i.e.: "Honey, we see everything in this profession, but one thing I ain't never seen -- man or woman -- is a grown-up." Just great fun.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Flashy but unsatisfying musical (based on Broadway hit) about pressures brought to bear on sheriff (Reynolds) to close a popular establishment called The Chicken Ranch--run by his ladyfriend. Dolly's a delight, Durning has a showstopping number as the Governor, but occasionally film actually tries to get serious and screeches to a halt. Dolly's hit song ``I Will Always Love You'' (which she also wrote) had been #1 in 1974--and would be an even bigger hit for Whitney Houston in 1992's THE BODYGUARD. Panavision.
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Burt Reynolds Burt Reynolds as:
Sheriff Ed Earl Dodd
Dolly Parton as:
Mona Stangley
Dom DeLuise Dom DeLuise as:
Melvin P. Thorpe
Charles Durning Charles Durning as:
Jim Nabors as:
Deputy Fred
Noah Berry Jr. as:
Theresa Merritt as:
Robert Mandan as:
Senator Wingwood