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Beaches Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: With Jessica
Rating: PG-13 Year: 1986 Category: Drama
Director: Gary Marshall Time: 123 min. Writer: Iris Rainer Dart & Mary Agnes Donoghue

Mine: They only reason this did not get a bomb rating is that there is one good scene. The bath house number with Bette. This is the worst of melodramatic dreck. I was so happy when Barabara's character died. About time already! Just WAY too long and maudlin.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Leonard Maltin Summary for Beaches (1988)   Page 13 of 27 From Leonard Maltin's Movie & Video Guide. Bittersweet saga of a thirty-year friendship that begins when two girls--one rich and pampered, the other poor and driven to show-biz success--meet on the beach at Atlantic City. OK as soap opera (not much depth to the characters and their motives, and at least two endings too many) but as a vehicle for Midler it's dynamite, and she even gets to sing. Based on a novel by Iris Rainer Dart; Midler coproduced. Director Marshall features his on-screen ``regulars'' in a variety of cameo roles, including Hector Elizondo as a justice of the peace.
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Bette Midler Bette Midler as:
CC Bloom
Barbara Hershey Barbara Hershey as:
Hillary Whitney Essex
John Heard John Heard as:
John Peirce
Spalding Gray as:
Dr. Richard Milstein
Lainie Kazan as:
Leona Bloom
James Read as:
Michael Essex
Grace Johnston as:
Victoria Essex
Mayim Bialik as:
CC (Age 11)