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Batman Returns
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3 Stars
Batman Returns Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: Don't Remeber
Rating: PG-13 Year: 1992 Category: Drama Sci-Fi
Director: Tim Burton Time: 126 min. Writer: Daniel Waters

Mine: Better than the first, but still not much. DeVito provides some fun as the Penguin. A couple of good moments.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Nasty, nihilistic nightmare movie about an abandoned freak baby who grows up to be The Penguin--a deadly threat to Gotham City, especially when he teams up with megalomaniac Max Schreck (Walken). Meanwhile, Batman finds a more personal enemy in Catwoman. Rich performances, dazzling production design, and occasional cleverness can't make up for a dark, mean-spirited (and often incoherent) screenplay. Followed by Keatonless BATMAN FOREVER.
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Michael Keaton Michael Keaton as:
Bruce Wayne/Batman
Danny DeVito Danny DeVito as:
The Penguin
Michelle Pfeiffer Michelle Pfeiffer as:
Christopher Walken Christopher Walken as:
Max Schreck
Jane Hooks as:
Michael Gough as:
Alfred Pennyworth
Michael Murphy as:
Cristi Conaway as:
Ice Princess
Paul Reubens Paul Reubens as:
Penguin's Father
Pat Hingle Pat Hingle as:
Comm. Gordon