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Confess, Fletch
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3 Stars
Confess, Fletch Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:Digitally Saw at/with: Suzy
Rating: R Year: 2022 Category: Comedy Crime
Director: Greg Motttola Time: 98 min. Writer: Greg Mottola & Zev Borow

Mine: A fan of the books, this gets close to the tone of them. The comedy is witty and amusing. Hamm carries the movie.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: After becoming the prime suspect in multiple murders, Fletch strives to prove his innocence while simultaneously searching for his fiancé's stolen art collection.
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John Hamm as:
Irwin M. Fletcher
Caitlin Zerra Rose as:
Laurel Goodwing
Roy Wood Jr. as:
Insp. Morris Monroe
Ayden mayeri as:
Lorenza Izzo as:
Angela de Grassi
Lucy Punch as:
Tatiana Tasserly
Marcia Gay Harden Marcia Gay Harden as:
Countess de Grassi
Kyle MacLachlan as:
Ronald Horan
Aaron Andrade as: