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Bad Girls
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2.5 Stars
Bad Girls Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with:
Rating: R Year: 1994 Category: Western
Director: Jonathan Kaplan Time: 99 min. Writer: Albert S. Ruddy & Charles Finch

Mine: A routine kind of western. Made some what better by the gals. They look better riding out of town then guys do., This is first time that I noticed Drew Barrymore as an adult.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Stowe and three other prostitutes go on the lam after a brothel shooting, eventually hooking up with a male outlaw from her past. Troubled production is an uneasy combination of feminist statement, homage to (or rip-off of) THE WILD BUNCH's finale, and an advertisement for good-looking Western duds. A collectible poster in search of a movie. Unrated video version available.
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Madeleine Stowe as:
Cody Zamora
Mary Stuart Masterson Mary Stuart Masterson as:
Anita Crown
Andie MacDowell Andie MacDowell as:
Eileen Spenser
Drew Barrymore Drew Barrymore as:
Lily Loronette
James Russo as:
Kid Jarrett
Robert Loggia Robert Loggia as:
Frank Jarrett
Dermot Mulroney Dermot Mulroney as:
Josh McCoy
Jim Beaver as:
Det. Graves