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All The Old Knives
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2.5 Stars
All The Old Knives Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:Digitally Saw at/with: On plane to FL
Rating: R Year: 2022 Category: Thriller Mystery
Director: Janus Metz Time: 101 min. Writer: Olen Steinhauer

Mine: A deliberate, character-driven Cold War style espionage film that takes it time telling its intriguing story and has a satisfying payoff.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: A plane is hijacked by terrorists. CIA is involved and tries to remedy the situation but ultimately fails. After 8 years the case is reopened due to suspicion there was leak within the CIA at the time of the hijacking. An operative is sent to find the mole.
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Chris Pine Chris Pine as:
Henry Pelham
Thandie Newton Thandie Newton as:
Celia Harrison
Laurence Fishburne Laurence Fishburne as:
Vick Wallinger
Jonathan Pryce Jonathan Pryce as:
Bill Compton
Ahd as:
Leila MOaloof
Jonjo O'Neill as:
Ernst Pul
Adbul Alshareef as:
Shuleiman Abdulawahed
David Dawson as:
Wen Lassiter
Oscar Coleman as:
Evan Favreau