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My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
1.5 Stars
Cinderella Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:Digitally Saw at/with: Suzy
Rating: PG Year: 2021 Category: Romance Comedy Children
Director: Kay Cannon Time: 113 min. Writer: Kay Cannon

Mine: So really not very good. Porter as fairy godmother is the best thing here; the costumes aren't bad. The music is uninteresting. For a good retelling of Cinderella go watch "Ever After".
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: A modern movie musical with a bold take on the classic fairy tale. Our ambitious heroine has big dreams and with the help of her fab Godmother, she perseveres to make them come true.
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Camila Cabello as:
Nicholas Galitzine as:
Prince Robert
Idina Menzel as:
Pierce Brosnan Pierce Brosnan as:
King Rowan
Minnie Driver Minnie Driver as:
Queen Beatrice
Billy Porter as:
Fabulous Godmother
Maddie Baillio as:
James Corden James Corden as:
Charlotte Spncer as: