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Ace Ventura, Pet Detective
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2 Stars
Ace Ventura, Pet Detective Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On Video Saw at/with: At Kim's
Rating: PG-13 Year: 1994 Category: Comedy
Director: Tom Shadyac Time: 86 min. Writer: Jack Bernstein

Mine: Dumb, really dumb. Jim Carry has a great gift for physical comedy, but it is wasted in a really dumb story.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Miami-based ``pet detective'' is hired to find the kidnapped mascot of the Dolphins football team. No-brainer comedy/whodunit was the breakout role for hyperkinetic, rubber-faced Carrey, who mugs non-stop (and we mean non-stop). Some good gags, but runs out of steam--which Carrey never does. Real-life members of the Miami Dolphins appear, with quarterback Marino in featured role. A minute of new footage added for video. Followed by a sequel and an animated TV series.
User Reviews:
MovieManRyan's rating:
2.5 Stars
(out of 5 stars)
Ok here's the deal. Finnaly Jim Carrey gets his big break. It's his best movie yet, it may not be that funny, but he's improving. One thing that could help Carrey is some medication, because he's crazy. The movie was Ok.
Joe's rating:
None Given
(out of 5 stars)
This is Jim's Best Movie!!! You people think he's got great talent for his other movies but wasted on this one. Well, if it wasn't for this movie, he wouldn't get into all those others!!! Besides, Jim re-wrote the entire story, except for the premise. That's what I have to say
Jennifer-May Darkwood's rating:
4.5 Stars
(out of 5 stars)
I loved it!!!!!!!!! I loved Jim Carrey in it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is a great movie.
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Jim Carrey Jim Carrey as:
Ace Ventura
Courtney Cox as:
Melissa Robinson
Sean Young Sean Young as:
Lois Einhorn
Tone Loc as:
Dan Marino as:
Noble Willingham as:
Troy Evans as:
Roger Podacter
Raynor Scheine as: