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The Accidental Tourist
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
1.5 Stars
The Accidental Tourist Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On TV Saw at/with: With Jessica
Rating: NR Year: 1988 Category: Drama
Director: Lawrence Kasdan Time: min. Writer: Anne Tyler & Frank Galoti

Mine: I know that some people claim the William Hurt is a great actor, but I don't see it. Here again he is dull, lifeless and uninteresting, as is the entire movie. The only sparks are from the strange familey scenes.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Hurt gives an exquisite performance as a man shattered by the death of his son, who comes out of his shell when he meets a kooky, aggressive young woman (Oscar winner Davis) who couldn't be less his type. Finely wrought, extremely faithful adaptation of Anne Tyler's novel dares to take its time; may be too slow and quiet for some viewers, but offers many rewards. Panavision.
User Reviews:
Rachel D.'s rating:
1.5 Stars
(out of 5 stars)
I read the novel, and I was expecting alot from the film. However, the film really couldn't show us the real emotions running through Macon, and who we dealt with them. Overall, I didn't like the film at all, I thought it was very boring. In order to appreciate it more, you have to read the novel. Sorry about the movie Anne.
Leigh's rating:
half a star
(out of 5 stars)
Sorry, but this was just an amazingly boring film. I have only twice voluntarily not finished a movie, and this was one of them. I fast-forwarded to the end to see if there was some big finale that would make up for the rest of the movie. There wasn't. It was a boring end as well.
Kiera's rating:
5 Stars
(out of 5 stars)
This is my favorite movie of all time. Well, sure, the book is more in depth, they always are! My rule of thumb is never ever read the book first, if you've got the option. It's what one would call a quirky film, one that totally flies over the heads of some over critical, over analytical viewers... It's NOT an action thriller, or a musical. It's not covered in glitter and crazy fireworks for the easily bored. It's the story of the metamorphis of Macon Leary, after the death of his son and marriage, which he eventually discovers had been dead long before his son, and small love story between himself and the goofy dog trainer,Muriel. The book and the movie are tops in both catagories for me. Give it a go. After all, it's only two hours of the rest of your life, there's most def. worst things you could do with an afternoon even if you don't come away a fan.
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William Hurt William Hurt as:
Kathleen Turner Kathleen Turner as:
Geena Davis Geena Davis as:
Amy Wright as:
David Ogden Stiers David Ogden Stiers as:
Ed Begley Jr. Ed Begley Jr. as:
Bill Pullman Bill Pullman as:
Seth Granger as:
Bradley Mott as:
Mr. Loomis