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Mary Poppins Returns
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2.5 Stars
Mary Poppins Returns Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: Suzy and Hanna at Middletown
Rating: PG Year: 2018 Category: Comedy Children Fantasy
Director: Rob Marshall Time: 130 min. Writer: David Magee

Mine: Nice enough. The leads are charming and do a great job. The plot is super obvious. Music is pretty forgetable. Still pretty and entertaining enough. Too long.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Decades after her original visit, the magical nanny returns to help the Banks siblings and Michael's children through a difficult time in their lives.
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Emily Blunt Emily Blunt as:
Mary Poppins
Lin-Manuel Miranda Lin-Manuel Miranda as:
Ben Whishaw Ben Whishaw as:
Michael Banks
Emily Mortimer Emily Mortimer as:
Jane Banks
Pixie Davies as:
Nathanael Saleh as:
Joel Dawson as:
Julie Walters Julie Walters as:
Meryl Streep Meryl Streep as:
Cousin Topsy
Colin Firth Colin Firth as:
Dick Van Dyke Dick Van Dyke as:
Mr. Dawes, Jr.
Angela Lansbury Angela Lansbury as:
Ballon Lady
David Warner as:
Admiral Boom
Chris O'Dowd Chris O'Dowd as:
Shamus The Coachman
Mark Addy Mark Addy as:
Clyde the Horse.