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Mary Queen of Scots
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2 Stars
Mary Queen of Scots Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: Andrea, John, Hanna and Suzy
Rating: R Year: 2018 Category: Drama
Director: Josie Rourke Time: 124 min. Writer: Beau Willimon & John Guy

Mine: Amazing set and costume design don't make up for a kind of muddled story. I don't know enough of the history to vouch for the accuracy, but the quick look I did does not look good. The leads work hard but this is ultimately disappointing. Tenant is kind of fun, but wasted in a side show role.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Mary Stuart's attempt to overthrow her cousin Elizabeth I, Queen of England, finds her condemned to years of imprisonment before facing execution.
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Saoirse Ronan Saoirse Ronan as:
Mary Stuart
Margot Robbie Margot Robbie as:
Queen Elizabeth I
David Tennant David Tennant as:
John Knox
Alan Turkington as:
Thomas Jenye
Guy Pearce Guy Pearce as:
William Cecil
Grace Molony as:
Dorothy Strafford
Georgia Burnell as:
kate Carey
Adam Bond as:
Sir William Douglas
Adrian LESter as:
Lord Randolph