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My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2 Stars
Tag Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:Digitally Saw at/with: Suzy and Hanna
Rating: R Year: 2018 Category: Comedy
Director: Jeff Tomsic Time: 100 min. Writer: Rob McKittrick & Mark Steilen

Mine: Amusing in spots and just kind of strange (because it is based on a real story). Good cast works hard, but the material is neither funny enough or touching enough.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: A small group of former classmates organize an elaborate, annual game of tag that requires some to travel all over the country.
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Ed Helms Ed Helms as:
Hogan Malloy
Lil Rel Howery as:
Jon Hamm Jon Hamm as:
Bob Callahan
Annabelle Wallis as:
Revecca Crosby
Jake Johnson as:
Randy Colliano
Isla Fisher Isla Fisher as:
Anna Malloy
Hannibal Buress as:
Devin Sable
Nora Dunn as:
Linda Malloy
Jeremy Renner Jeremy Renner as:
Jerry Pierce
Rashida Jones Rashida Jones as:
Cheryl Deakins
Leslie Bibb Leslie Bibb as:
Susan Rollins