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My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2.5 Stars
Rampage Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:Digitally Saw at/with: Suzy and Hanna
Rating: PG-13 Year: 2018 Category: Sci-Fi Action
Director: Brad Payton Time: 107 min. Writer: Ryan Engle & Carlton Cuse

Mine: Takes every cliche of an action/monster/adventure flick in a fun package. Charisma of the Johnson carries the entire movie. It is not going to change you, but it will keep you mildly amused.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: When three different animals become infected with a dangerous pathogen, a primatologist and a geneticist team up to stop them from destroying Chicago.
Have an opinion? Click to write you own review.

Dwayne Johnson Dwayne Johnson as:
David Okoye
Naomie Harris Naomie Harris as:
Dr. Kate Caldwell
Malin Akerman Malin Akerman as:
Claire Wyden
Jeffery Dean Morgan as:
Harvey Russell
Joe Manganiello as:
P.J. Byrne as:
Jack Quaid Jack Quaid as:
Jake Lacy as:
Brett Wyden
Marley Shelton Marley Shelton as:
Dr. Kerry Atkins