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Our Souls at Night
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2.5 Stars
Our Souls at Night Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:Digitally Saw at/with: Suzy and Hanna
Rating: Year: 2017 Category: Drama Romance
Director: Ritesh Batra Time: 103 min. Writer: Kent Karug & Scott Heustadter

Mine: Redford and Fonda are perfect for their lonely and flawed characters. A sweet unfolding of two complex lives that crave connection and love. It begins simply with wanting to simply sleep through the night and then we get to know all the good and the hard parts of their lives and in the end it is about talking to each other.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Fonda and Redford star as Addie Moore and Louis Waters, a widow and widower who've lived next to each other for years. The pair have almost no relationship, but that all changes when Addie tries to make a connection with her neighbor.
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Jane Fonda Jane Fonda as:
Addie Moore
Robert Redford Robert Redford as:
Louis Waters
Judy Greer Judy Greer as:
Mattias Schoenaerts as:
Iain Armitage as:
Bruce Dern Bruce Dern as:
Phyllis Somerville as:
Leana Lewis as:
Audrey Walters as: