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Hidden Figures
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3.5 Stars
Hidden Figures Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:Digitally Saw at/with: Suzy and Hanna
Rating: PG Year: 2016 Category: Drama
Director: Theodore Melfi Time: 127 min. Writer: Alison Schroeder & Theodore Melfi

Mine: Performances by Spencer, MonĂ¡e, Henson and Costner are compelling. Taraji P. Henson is superb. Story line is remarkable and that it is based on a true story makes it all the better. Well made, strong story line and fantastic chemistry between these characters.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Based on a true story. A team of African-American women provide NASA with important mathematical data needed to launch the program's first successful space missions.
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Taraji P. Henson as:
Katherine G. Johnson
Octavia Spencer Octavia Spencer as:
Dorthy Vaughan
Janelle Monae as:
Mary Jackson
Kevin Costner Kevin Costner as:
Al Harrison
Kirsten Dunst Kirsten Dunst as:
Vivian Mitchell
Jim Parsons Jim Parsons as:
Paul Stafford
Mahershala Ali Mahershala Ali as:
Col. Jim Johnson
Blen Powell as:
John Glenn
Aldis Hodge as:
Levi Jackson