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Bad Moms
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3 Stars
Bad Moms Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:Digitally Saw at/with: Suzy and Kendra
Rating: R Year: 2016 Category: Comedy
Director: Jon Lucas Time: 100 min. Writer: Scott Moore

Mine: A very funny and completely outrageous movie. The movie does have something to say about the shaming of motherhood, but it does it in an over the top out there way. Not realistic, but fantastic. I laughed a lot!
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: When three overworked and under-appreciated moms are pushed beyond their limits, they ditch their conventional responsibilities for a jolt of long overdue freedom, fun, and comedic self-indulgence.
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Mila Kunis Mila Kunis as:
Kathryn Hahn Kathryn Hahn as:
Kristen Bell Kristen Bell as:
Christina Applegate Christina Applegate as:
Jada Pinkett Smith Jada Pinkett Smith as:
Annie Mumolo as:
Jay Hernandez Jay Hernandez as:
Jessie Harkeness
Wanda Sykes Wanda Sykes as:
Dr. Karl
Wendell Pierce as:
Principle Burr
David Walton as:
Clark Duke as:
Dale Kiper