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My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3 Stars
Marlowe Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:Digitally Saw at/with:
Rating: NR Year: 1969 Category: Drama Crime Mystery
Director: Paul Bogart Time: 96 min. Writer: Stirling Silliphant

Mine: Interesting variation on 'The Little Sister' by Raymond Chandler with '40's film noir replaced by a colorful and stylish '60's motif. The film does a good job of keeping certain Chandler elements in the forefront...the violent thugs, the irritable cops, and the classy woman in distress. Garner does a good job in the lead.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Quiet young Orfamay Quest from Kansas has hired private detective Philip Marlowe to find her brother. After two leads turn up with ice picks stuck in them, he discovers blackmail photos concerning TV star Mavis Wald. She rejects Marlowe's help, and this is forcibly underlined by her gangster boyfriend. So, wonders Marlowe, is there a link between Orfamay and Mavis?
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James Garner James Garner as:
Philip Marlowe
Gayle Hunnicutt as:
Mavis Walk
Carrol O'Connor as:
Lt. French
Rita Moreno as:
Dolores Gonzales
Sharon Farrell as:
Orfamay Quest
William Daniels as:
Mr. Crowell
H.M. Wynant as:
Donny Steelgrave
Jackie Googan as:
Grant W. Hicks
Bruce Lee as:
Winslow Wong