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The Book of Life
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2.5 Stars
The Book of Life Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:Digitally Saw at/with: Suzy and Hanna
Rating: PG Year: 2014 Category: Comedy Children
Director: Jorge R. Gutierrez Time: 95 min. Writer: Jorge R. Gutierrez and Douglas Langdale

Mine: One of the most colorful & original production designs ever in an animated movie. Interesting use of Mexican culture. Kind of strange story of guys competing for the attention of a woman. Still well worth a watch.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Manolo, a young man who is torn between fulfilling the expectations of his family and following his heart, embarks on an adventure that spans three fantastic worlds where he must face his greatest fears.
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Diego Luna Diego Luna as:
Zoe Saldana Zoe Saldana as:
Channing Tatum Channing Tatum as:
Ron Perlman Ron Perlman as:
Christina Applegate Christina Applegate as:
Mary Beth
Ice Cube as:
Candle Maker
Hector Elizondo Hector Elizondo as:
Carlos Sanchez
Danny Trejo Danny Trejo as:
skeleton Luis
Placido Domingo as:
Skeleton Jorge