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Ender's Game
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2 Stars
Ender's Game Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:Digitally Saw at/with: Hanna
Rating: PG-13 Year: 2013 Category: Sci-Fi Action
Director: Gavin Hood Time: 114 min. Writer: Gavin Hood

Mine: I have not read the book so was not expecting much here, and did not get much. A routine sort of military movie. Most of the situations are cliches from war movies, only real difference here is the age of the solders.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Young Ender Wiggin is recruited by the International Military to lead the fight against the Formics, a genocidal alien race which nearly annihilated the human race in a previous invasion.
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Asa Butterfield as:
Ener Wiggin
Harrison Ford Harrison Ford as:
Col. Graff
Hailee Steinfeld Hailee Steinfeld as:
Petra Arkanian
Abigail Breslin Abigail Breslin as:
Valentine Wiggin
Ben Kingsley Ben Kingsley as:
Mazer Rackam
Viola Davis Viola Davis as:
Maj. Anderson
Aramis Knight as:
Saraj Partha as:
Moises Arias as:
Bonzo Madrid