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Christmas in Connecticut
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2.5 Stars
Christmas in Connecticut Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On TV Saw at/with: Hanna on TCM
Rating: NR Year: 1945 Category: Romance Comedy
Director: Peter Godfrey Time: 102 min. Writer: Lionel Houser & Anele Comandini

Mine: A slight comedy that looks very holidayish with the lovely country home in Connecticut. Stanwyck displays a light enough touch to make her scenes with Morgan and Greenstreet delightful to watch. She gets great support from Una O'Connor, S.Z. Sakall and Reginald Gardiner. ILight and fluffy entertainment that makes no great demands on your viewing pleasure.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: A food writer who has lied about being the perfect housewife must try to cover her deception when her boss and a returning war hero invite themselves to her home for a traditional family Christmas.
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Barbara Stanwyck as:
Elizabeth Lane
Dennis Morgan as:
Jefferson Jones
Sydney Greenstreet as:
Alexander Yardley
Reginald Gardiner as:
John Sloan
S. Z. Sakall as:
Felix Vassenak
Robert Shayne as:
Dudley Beecham
Una O'Conner as:
Frank Jenks as:
Dick Elliot as:
Judge Crothers