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The Adventures of Mickey Matson and the Copperhead Treasure
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2.5 Stars
The Adventures of Mickey Matson and the Copperhead Treasure Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:Digitally Saw at/with: Hanna
Rating: PG Year: 2013 Category: Drama Children Action
Director:   Time: 94 min. Writer:

Mine: Recommended for anyone with children who have a sense of adventure! A good story with lots of kid centric action. Just good stuff.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: When a mythical device from ancient times is rebuilt by a group of Confederates who feel the civil war never ended, Mickey Matson and his newfound friend, Sully, must follow a series of clues left by his dead grandfather to keep the evil men away from the three mystical objects that power the device. If he fails, it could mean not only the loss of his family's home, but maybe the demise of our country as we know it.
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Lee Arenberg as:
Billy Lee
Derek Brandon as:
Michey Matson
Patrika Darbo as:
Francesca Derosa as:
Frank Drank as:
Steven Dutton as:
Security Gaurd
Ernie Hudson Ernie Hudson as:
Ivan Stumpwater
Christopher Lloyd Christopher Lloyd as:
Grandpa Jack
Amy McFadden as:
Mickey's Mom