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My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3.5 Stars
Quartet Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: Suzy at Madison Art
Rating: PG-13 Year: 2012 Category: Drama Comedy
Director: Dustin Hoffman Time: 98 min. Writer: Ronald Harwood

Mine: Terrific fun. The cast is a joy to watch, the music is great, funny and touching. Connelly has most of the laugh lines and delivers them well. Great subject for a movie. I hope such places exist.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: At a home for retired musicians, the annual concert to celebrate Verdi's birthday is disrupted by the arrival of Jean, an eternal diva and the former wife of one of the residents.
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Maggie Smith Maggie Smith as:
Jean Horton
Billy Connolly Billy Connolly as:
Wilf Bond
Tom Courtenay Tom Courtenay as:
Reggie Patchet
Pauline Collins as:
Cissy Robson
Michael Gambon Michael Gambon as:
Cedric Livingston
Sheridan Smith as:
Dr. Lucy Cogan
Andrew Sachs as:
Bobby Swanson
Trevor Peacock as:
David Ryall as: