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Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
1 star
Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:Digitally Saw at/with: Hanna
Rating: PG Year: 2012 Category: Comedy Children
Director: Eric Darnell Time: 93 min. Writer: Eric Darnell & Noah Baumbach

Mine: Would have been nice of there was a reasonable plot. Really bright and loud. Some very colorful over-the-top sequences. Still these characters are not interesting enough to last through three movies. Pretty lame.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Alex, Marty, Gloria and Melman are still fighting to get home to their beloved Big Apple. Their journey takes them through Europe where they find the perfect cover: a traveling circus, which they reinvent - Madagascar style.
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Andy Richter Andy Richter as:
Frances McDormand Frances McDormand as:
Cpt. Chantel DuBois
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Vinnie Jones Vinnie Jones as:
Freddie the Dog