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Thin Ice
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3 Stars
Thin Ice Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:Digitally Saw at/with: Suzy
Rating: R Year: 2011 Category: Drama Comedy Crime
Director: Jill Sprecher Time: 93 min. Writer: Jill & Karen Sprecher

Mine: It takes some time to get going but when it does it's good, real good. Kinnear is fantastic as are Crudup and Arkin. It pulls you into it's eerie intensity and takes you on a bit of a ride, a good dark comedy.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: An insurance agent looking for a way out of frigid Wisconsin is blackmailed by an unstable locksmith in the theft of a rare violin that belongs to a retired farmer.
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Greg Kinnear Greg Kinnear as:
Mickey Prohaska
Michelle Arthur as:
Karla Gruenki
Alan Arkin Alan Arkin as:
Borvy Hauer
Lea Thompson Lea Thompson as:
Jo Ann Prohaska
Bob Balaban Bob Balaban as:
Leonard Dahl
Billy Crudup Billy Crudup as:
Chris Carlson as:
Don Schimdt
Michael Paul Levin as:
Chuck Stankel
Peter Thoemke as:
Frank Richie