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My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2.5 Stars
Tangled Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:Digitally Saw at/with: Suzy and Hanna
Rating: PG Year: 2010 Category: Comedy Children
Director: Nathan Greno Time: 100 min. Writer: Dan Foglemann

Mine: Cute take on a kind of blah fairy tale. Some very funny bits, even they appeal mostly to a young audience. Terrific look. Our seven year old loved it.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: The magically long-haired Rapunzel has spent her entire life in a tower, but now that a runaway thief has stumbled upon her, she is about to discover the world for the first time, and who she really is.
Have an opinion? Click to write you own review.

Mandy Moore Mandy Moore as:
Zachary Levi Zachary Levi as:
Flynn Rider
Donna Murphy as:
Mother Gothel
Ron Perlman Ron Perlman as:
Stabbington Brother
Jeffrey Tambor Jeffrey Tambor as:
Big Nose Thug
Richard Kiel as:
M.C. Gainey as:
Capt. of the Gaurd
Brad Garrett Brad Garrett as:
Hook Hand Thug
Tim Mertens as: