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The Long Goodbye
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2 Stars
The Long Goodbye Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:Digitally Saw at/with:
Rating: R Year: 1973 Category: Drama Thriller Action Crime
Director: Robert Altman Time: 112 min. Writer: Leigh & Raymond Changler

Mine: Watched this and "Marlow" in the same day. Two very different approaches to the same character. This is OK, but kind of muddled and slow. I just don't appear to like Altman's style. Actors love him because it is all about the character, hard to argue with that, but still in Altman's movie I am often board.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Detective Philip Marlowe tries to help a friend who is accused of murdering his wife.
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Elliott Gould Elliott Gould as:
Philip Marlowe
Nina van Pallandt as:
Eileen Wade
Sterling Hayden as:
Roger Wade
Mark Rydell as:
Marty Augustine
Henry Gibson as:
Dr. Verringer
David Arkin as:
Jim Bouton as:
Terry Lennox
Warren Berlinger as:
Stephen Coit as:
Det. Farmer