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A Serious Man
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3 Stars
A Serious Man Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:Digitally Saw at/with: Suzy
Rating: R Year: 2009 Category: Drama Romance
Director: Ethan & Joel Coen Time: 106 min. Writer: Joel & Ethan Coen

Mine: Interesting movie. As always from the Coen Brother you are always wondering what is going to happen next. Top notch performances from the entire cast. The humor here come from a profound discomfort watching people twist themselves this way and that to fit in and be regarded seriously, whether situationally, socially or religiously. This will have you thinking long afterwards, especially considering the odd prologue and the ending which bookend a remarkable work.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: A black comedy centered on Larry Gopnik, a Midwestern professor who watches his life unravel when his wife prepares to leave him because his inept brother won't move out of the house.
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Michael Stuhlbarg Michael Stuhlbarg as:
Prof. Gopnik
Richard Kind Richard Kind as:
Uncle Arthur
Fred Melamed as:
Sy Ableman
Sari Lennick as:
Judith Gopnik
Aaron Wolff as:
Danny Gopnik
Jeissica McManus as:
Sarah Gopnik
Peter Breitmayer as:
Mr. Brandt
Fyvush Finkel as:
Treitle Groshkover
Adam Arkin Adam Arkin as:
Divore Lawyer
Michael Lerner as:
Soloman Schultz