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My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3 Stars
Australia Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:Digitally Saw at/with: Suzy
Rating: PG-13 Year: 2008 Category: Drama War
Director: Baz Luhrmann Time: 165 min. Writer: Stuart Beattie & Baz Luhrmann

Mine: Luhrmann attempts something very ambitious here and does a decent, if not great job. The big romantic historical epic has very seldom been done well, here we see how hard it is. Overall this was enjoyable, if a bit long. Beautiful people, beautiful scenery, an epic struggle against several evils; it is all a bit over wrought, but that is the genre!
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Set in northern Australia before World War II, an English aristocrat who inherits a sprawling ranch reluctantly pacts with a stock-man in order to protect her new property from a takeover plot. As the pair drive 2,000 head of cattle over unforgiving landscape, they experience the bombing of Darwin, Australia, by Japanese forces firsthand.
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Nicole Kidman Nicole Kidman as:
Lady Sarah Ashley
Hugh Jackman Hugh Jackman as:
David Wenham as:
Neil Fletcher
Bryan Brown Bryan Brown as:
King Carney
Jack Thompson as:
Kipling Flynn
David Gulpilil as:
King George
Brandon Walters as:
David Ngoombujarra as:
Ben Mendelsohn Ben Mendelsohn as:
Capt. Dutton