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The Fall
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3 Stars
The Fall Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:Digitally Saw at/with: Suzy
Rating: R Year: 2006 Category: Drama Fantasy
Director: Tarsem Singh Time: 117 min. Writer: Dan Gilroy & Nico Soultanakis

Mine: Fascinating movie. Its been five days since I saw this film, and I am still thinking about it. Intense epic grandeur, wild fantasy scenes, visually mesmerizing. The casting was excellent, The young girl who plays Alexandria gives an incredibly natural performance.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: In a hospital on the outskirts of 1920s Los Angeles, an injured stuntman begins to tell a fellow patient, a little girl with a broken arm, a fantastical story about 5 mythical heroes. Thanks to his fractured state of mind and her vivid imagination, the line between fiction and reality starts to blur as the tale advances.
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Catinca Untaru as:
Justine Waddell as:
Nurse Evelyn/Sister Evelyn
Lee Pace as:
Roy Walker/Blue Bandit
Kim Uylenbroek as:
Doctor/Alexander the Great
Aiden Lithgow as:
Aleanders Messanger
Sean Gilder as:
Walt Purdy
Ronald France as:
Andrew Roussouw as:
Mr. Sabatini
Michael Huff as:
Dr. Whitaker