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My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2.5 Stars
Shooter Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:Digitally Saw at/with:
Rating: R Year: 2007 Category: Drama Thriller Action
Director: Antoine Fuqua Time: 124 min. Writer: Jonathan Lemkin & Stephen Hunter

Mine: Good well played action thriller. Wahlberg is good in the lead and the plot keeps on moving. A bit over the top.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: A marksman living in exile is coaxed back into action after learning of a plot to kill the president. Ultimately double-crossed and framed for the attempt, he goes on the run to track the real killer and find out who exactly set him up, and why.
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Mark Wahlberg Mark Wahlberg as:
Bob Lee Swagger
Michael Pena Michael Pena as:
Nick Memphis
Danny Glover Danny Glover as:
Col. Johnson
Kate Mara as:
Sarah Fenn
Elias Koteas as:
Jack Payne
Ned Beatty Ned Beatty as:
Sen. Meachum
Rhona Mitra as:
Alourdes Galindo
Johnathan Walker as:
Jouis Dobbler
Tate Donovan Tate Donovan as:
Russ Turner