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Move Over, Darling
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3 Stars
Move Over, Darling Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:Digitally Saw at/with:
Rating: NR Year: 1963 Category: Romance Comedy
Director: Michael Gordon Time: 103 min. Writer: Hal Kanter & Jack Sher

Mine: This kind of thing really is great fun. Zany situation. Day and Garner are both excellent as always. RItter is top notch.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Five years to the day after his wife Ellen disappeared in the sea after a plane crash, lawyer husband Nicholas has her declared legally dead, remarries and sets off to Monterey with new wife Bianca. The same morning, Ellen arrives home after being rescued by the Navy.
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Doris Day as:
Ellen Wagstaff Arden
James Garner James Garner as:
Nicholas Arden
Polly Bergen Polly Bergen as:
Bianca Steel Arden
Thelma Ritter Thelma Ritter as:
Grace Arden
Don Knotts Don Knotts as:
Shoe Clerk
John Astin John Astin as:
Clyde Prokey
Pat Harrington Jr. as:
District Attorney
Max Showalter as:
Hotel Desk Clerk
Chuck Connors as:
Stephen Burkett
Fred Clark Fred Clark as:
Hotel Manager
Edgar Buchanan as:
Judge Bryson