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Smokin' Aces
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2 Stars
Smokin' Aces Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:Digitally Saw at/with:
Rating: R Year: 2006 Category: Drama Thriller Action Crime
Director: Joe Carnahan Time: 108 min. Writer: Joe Carnahan

Mine: A bit of a muddled mess, but if you don't take it very seriously it is sort of fun. Kind of falls apart at the end.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: When a Las Vegas performer-turned-snitch named Buddy Israel (Piven) decides to turn state's evidence and testify against the mob, it seems that a whole lot of people would like to make sure he's no longer breathing.
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Ryan Reynolds Ryan Reynolds as:
Richard Messner
Ray Liotta Ray Liotta as:
Donald Carruthers
Alex Rocco Alex Rocco as:
Jeremy Piven Jeremy Piven as:
Buddy Isreal
Ben Affleck Ben Affleck as:
Jack Dupree
Peter Berg Peter Berg as:
Pete Deeks
Andy Garcia Andy Garcia as:
Stanley Locke
Curtis Armstrong Curtis Armstrong as:
Morris Mecklen
Jason Bateman Jason Bateman as:
Rupert Reed
Matthew Fox as:
Bill Security Super
Alicia Keyes as:
Georgia Sykes
Chris Pine Chris Pine as:
Darwin Tremor
Joel Edgerton Joel Edgerton as:
Hugo Croop