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Michael Clayton
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3 Stars
Michael Clayton Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On DVD Saw at/with: Suzy on DVD
Rating: R Year: 2007 Category: Drama Thriller
Director: Tony Gilroy Time: 119 min. Writer: Tony Gilroy

Mine: A powerful and wonderfully written movie. Clooney does a good job as always. The direction keeps the movie going. The suspense builds slowly and always feels real.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: A law firm brings in its "fixer" to remedy the situation after a lawyer has a breakdown while representing a chemical company that he knows is guilty in a multi-billion dollar class action suit.
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Tom Wilkinson Tom Wilkinson as:
Arthur Edens
Michael O'Keefe as:
Barry Grissom
Sydney Pollack Sydney Pollack as:
Marty Bach
Tilda Swinton Tilda Swinton as:
Karen Crowder
George Clooney George Clooney as:
Michael Clayton
Denis O'Hare as:
Mr. Greer
Austin Williams as:
Henry Clayton
Rachel Black as:
Julie White as:
Mrs. Greer