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Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
1 star
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On DVD Saw at/with: family on DVD
Rating: PG-13 Year: 2007 Category: Action
Director: Gore Vervinski Time: 168 min. Writer: Ted Elliot & Terry Rossio

Mine: Yuck, yuck, yuck. First this was WAY WAY too long. Muddled and incomprehensible plot. Fight sequences are crazy long and impossible to follow. Much of the movie is so dark that you wonder why they bothered to build sets, you can't see anything anyway. Almost no writing is noticeable. Just horrible.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Captain Barbossa, Will Turner and Elizabeth Swann must sail off the edge of the map, navigate treachery and betrayal, and make their final alliances for one last decisive battle.
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Johnny Depp Johnny Depp as:
Cpt. Jack Sparrow
Geoffrey Rush Geoffrey Rush as:
Cpt. Barbossa
Orlando Bloom Orlando Bloom as:
Will Turner
Keira Knightley Keira Knightley as:
Elizabeth Swan
Jack Davenport as:
James Norrington
Bill Nighy Bill Nighy as:
Davy Jones
Jonathan Pryce Jonathan Pryce as:
Gov Swann
Stellan Skarsgard Stellan Skarsgard as:
Bill Turner
Chow Yun Fat as:
Cpt. Sai Feng
Naomie Harris Naomie Harris as:
Tia Dalma