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My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
1.5 Stars
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Primary Location: First Saw:On DVD Saw at/with: kids on DVD
Rating: PG-13 Year: 2006 Category: Drama Comedy Fantasy
Director: Frank Coraci Time: 107 min. Writer: Steve Koren & Mark O'Keefe

Mine: Adam Sandler is just not much of a talent. In an occasional film he is good (The Wedding Singer), but usually he is sort of painful to watch. There are some kind of interesting ideas here, but they never go anywhere.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: A workaholic architect finds a universal remote that allows him to fast-forward and rewind to different parts of his life. Complications arise when the remote starts to overrule his choices.
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Adam Sandler Adam Sandler as:
Michael Newman
Kate Beckinsale Kate Beckinsale as:
Donna Newman
Christopher Walken Christopher Walken as:
David Hasselhoff as:
Mr. Ammer
Henry Winkler Henry Winkler as:
Ted Newman
Julie Kavner Julie Kavner as:
Trudy Newman
Sean Astin Sean Astin as:
Bill Rando
Jennifer Coolidge Jennifer Coolidge as:
James Earl Jones James Earl Jones as:
Narrator (Voice Only)