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Kinky Boots
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3 Stars
Kinky Boots Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On DVD Saw at/with: family on DVD
Rating: PG-13 Year: 2005 Category: Drama Comedy
Director: Julian Jarrold Time: 107 min. Writer: Geoff Deane & Tim Firth

Mine: Charming. The humour generally revolves around Lola (a drag queen) and the way that people relate to her, but it avoids stereotypical jokes. It's not only funny, but also quite moving at times, and again that tends to relate to the way people deal with Lola, which usually says more about them than her - ultimately a feel good movie. Overall, it's a well told story, with likable characters, a plot that's believable, and left me feeling good about the characters and what happened to them.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: A drag queen comes to the rescue of a man who, after inheriting his father's shoe factory, needs to diversify his product if he wants to keep the business afloat.
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Joel Edgerton Joel Edgerton as:
Charlie Price
Chiwetel Ejiofor Chiwetel Ejiofor as:
Sarah-Jane Potts as:
Nick Frost Nick Frost as:
Linda Bassett as:
Jemima Rooper as:
Robert Pugh as:
Harold Price
Ewan Hooper as:
Stephen Marcus as:
Big Mike