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The Pink Panther
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2 Stars
The Pink Panther Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: Suzy, Kendra & Hanna at Destina Middletown
Rating: PG Year: 2006 Category: Comedy
Director: Shawn Levey Time: 93 min. Writer: Len Blum & Steve Martin

Mine: Peter Seller and Blake Edwards are probably impossible acts to follow, still this is not terrible. The material is pretty routine, but great talent does more with it that you might expect. Martin is a gifted physical comedian and is quite funny. Kline is restrained here and that was probably a mistake. Some quite funny sequences, but the overall effect was kind of lacking.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: A detective must solve the murder of a famous soccer coach and find out who stole the infamous Pink Panther diamond.
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Steve Martin Steve Martin as:
Jacques Clouseau
Kevin Kline Kevin Kline as:
Cheif Inspector Dreyfus
Beyonce Knowles as:
Jean Reno Jean Reno as:
Gilbert Ponton
Emily Mortimer Emily Mortimer as:
Henry Czerny as:
Kristin Chenoweth Kristin Chenoweth as:
Monty C. Floyd as:
Waldorf Door Man
Dexter Bell as:
Terry Ahkee-Sauce