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My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
half a star
Bewitched Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On DVD Saw at/with: family on DVD
Rating: PG-13 Year: 2005 Category: Romance Comedy Fantasy
Director: Nora Ephron Time: 102 min. Writer: Nora & Delia Ephron

Mine: Just terrible. I don't know who thought this would be a good idea, but they were very, very wrong. Never even slightly amusing. Flat writing, boring acting. Will Farrell does not appear to have the talent to carry a movie, he is often very funny in small role. Steve Carell is painful in his quasy imitation of Paul Lynde, it mostly reminds you of what a fine line Lynde used to walk between funny and anoying.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Thinking he can overshadow an unknown actress in the part, an egocentric actor unknowingly gets a witch cast in an upcoming television remake of the classic show "Bewitched".
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Nicole Kidman Nicole Kidman as:
Isabel Bigelow
Will Ferrell Will Ferrell as:
Jack Wyatt
Shirley MacLaine Shirley MacLaine as:
Iris Smythson
Michael Caine Michael Caine as:
Migel Bigelow
Jason Schwartzman Jason Schwartzman as:
Kristin Chenoweth Kristin Chenoweth as:
Maria Kelly
Heather Burns Heather Burns as:
David Allen Grier as:
Jim Fields
Steve Carell Steve Carell as:
Uncle Arthur
Amy Sedaris Amy Sedaris as:
Mrs. Kravitz
Richard Kind Richard Kind as:
Abner Kravitz