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Muriel's Wedding
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3 Stars
Muriel's Wedding Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On DVD Saw at/with: Suzy on DVD
Rating: R Year: 1995 Category: Comedy
Director: P. J. Hogan Time: 106 min. Writer: P. J. Hogan

Mine: Fun and sweet. Terrific performances by Collette and Griffiths. Well worth the watch.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Muriel finds life in Porpoise Spit, Australia dull and spends her days alone in her room listening to Abba music and dreaming of her wedding day. Slight problem, Muriel has never had a date. Then she steals some money to go on a tropical vacation, meets a wacky friend, changes her name to Mariel, and turns her world upside down.
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Toni Collette Toni Collette as:
Muriel Helsop
Rachel Griffiths Rachel Griffiths as:
Rhonda Epinstalk
Bill Hunter Bill Hunter as:
Bill Heslop
Jeanie Drynan as:
Betty Helslop
Matt Day as:
Brice Nobs
Gennie Nevinson as:
Deirdre Chambers
Sophie Lee as:
Tania Degano
Rosalind Hammond as:
Pippa Grandison as: