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My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2.5 Stars
Spanglish Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On DVD Saw at/with: Suzy on DVD
Rating: PG-13 Year: 2004 Category: Drama Comedy
Director: James L. Brooks Time: 130 min. Writer: James L. Brooks

Mine: A likeable enough movie when it concentrates on Paz Vega's character. It gets kind of anoying when it concentrates on Tea Leoni' s character. Leachman has all be good comedy lines. Miss marketed as an Adam Sandler movie.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: A woman and her daughter emigrate from Mexico for a better life in America, where they start working for a family where the patriarch is a newly celebrated chef with an insecure wife.
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Adam Sandler Adam Sandler as:
John Clasky
Tea Leoni Tea Leoni as:
Deborah Clasky
Paz Vega as:
Flor Moreno
Cloris Leachman Cloris Leachman as:
Evelyn Norwich
Shelbie Bruce as:
Sarah Steele as:
Ian Hyland as:
Cecilia Suarez as:
Thomas Haden Church Thomas Haden Church as:
Mike - Realtor