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Down with Love
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3.5 Stars
Down with Love Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On TV Saw at/with: W/ Suzy on DVD then HBO
Rating: PG-13 Year: 2003 Category: Romance Comedy
Director: Payton Reed Time: 101 min. Writer: Eve Ahlert & Dennis Drake

Mine: A really fun homage to a world that only existed in old Doris Day/Rock Hudson Movies. They pull off a very hard trick, make the tone new and old at once. The leads are dead on. David Hyde Pearce is very funny in the Tony Randall role. Some really interesting plot twists and extremely clever dialog.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Aaaah... it's New York City in 1962, and love is blooming between a journalist and a feminist advice author, who's falling head over heels despite her beau's playboy lifestyle.
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Renee Zellweger Renee Zellweger as:
Barbara Novak
Ewan McGregor Ewan McGregor as:
Catcher Block
Sarah Paulson as:
Vikki Hiller
David Hyde Pierce David Hyde Pierce as:
Peter MacMannus
Rachel Dratch as:
Jack Plotnick as:
Tony Randall as:
Theodore Banner
John Aylward as:
Warren Munson as:
Ivana Milicevic Ivana Milicevic as: