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I Am Sam
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2.5 Stars
I Am Sam Poster
Primary Location: First Saw: Saw at/with: w/ Family on DVD
Rating: PG-13 Year: 2001 Category: Drama
Director: Jessie nelson Time: 132 min. Writer: Kristine Johnson & Jessie Nelson

Mine: Just SO over the top that it becomes too much. A weeper from begining to end. Penn gives a truley remakable performance. Overly long and the finale is anti climactic. The social workers and state lawyers are so one dimmensional and evil that they fail to seem real. There are real issues raised by the movie, but they are not dealt with in a real fashion. Still if you like to cry at the movies this one will do it for you. Nice soundtrack
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: A mentally retarded man fights for custody of his 7-year-old daughter, and in the process teaches his cold-hearted lawyer the value of love and family.
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Sean Penn Sean Penn as:
Sam Dawson
Michelle Pfeiffer Michelle Pfeiffer as:
Rita Harrison
Dakota Fanning Dakota Fanning as:
Lucy Diamond Dawson
Dianne Wiest Dianne Wiest as:
Annie Cassell
Loretta Devine as:
Margaret Calgrove
Laura Dern Laura Dern as:
Randy Carpenter
Brad Silverman as:
Rosalind Chao Rosalind Chao as:
Brent Spiner Brent Spiner as:
Shoe Salesman
Richard Schiff Richard Schiff as: